Six Points

On view: Wednesday-Friday, May 18-20 from 10-6pm
Closing event: Friday, May 20 from 6-9pm

Six Points is anchored by Six Chairs by six Memphis artists: Mary K VanGieson, Jennifer Sargent, Carrol McTyre, Paula Kovarik, Mary Jo Karimnia and Kerri Dugan, who have been meeting monthly for the past year, in each other’s homes and studios, to share artwork, food and conversation. In addition, each artist has created an individual piece for the show. The work is as much about coming together as it is about individuality and is a reflection of the comradery, support and elevated level of excellence we are currently feeling in our local visual arts culture. Please come and celebrate with us!

The exhibition is organized by the artists.

Learn more about Six Points

Ancestors Remind Us

Group exhibition curated by Johnathan Robert Payne

Presented by the Collective

Terry Lynn
Vitus Shell
Siphne Aaye
Lester Merriwhether
Lawrence Matthews


Art exhibition

Open Crit

Artist installation 5-6 pm
Discussion 6-8 pm

Crosstown Arts’ Open Crit series, organized in partnership with ArtsMemphis, is a monthly critique event where visual artists are invited to bring new and/or in-progress studio work for critical feedback and group discussion particular to each artist’s practice.

A dedicated facilitator with experience in a group critique setting will guide discussion for each critique event, which will include up to 4 artists’ work, with 15-25 minutes devoted to the work of each.

All visual artists and anyone interested in joining the discussion are welcome to participate regardless of their level of expertise, prior professional art experience or background/education in fine art. Participation is free and open to the public. Input during the critiques from everyone in attendance is welcomed and encouraged.

No formal preparation is necessary for participating artists, who will have an opportunity to introduce and contextualize their work on view at the beginning of each critique. Participating artists are only asked to be open to (and interested in) considering reactions to their work by the group, which will always be done in a supportive, constructive and casual environment, but could at the same time be challenging.

To participate, artists can sign up here:


Artists are asked to bring no more than 8 individual pieces (in any medium). Maximum run time for time-based work(s) is 10 minutes.

Participating artists are encouraged to invite friends, peers and colleagues to the open crits, both to see their work in progress and to give constructive feedback.

Organized by Crosstown Arts in partnership with ArtsMemphis ArtsAccelerator.

Open Crit

Facilitator: Richard Lou
Presenting Artist(s): Elizabeth Alley, Julie Nouwen, Paula Kovarik, Danielle Sierra

Crosstown Arts’ Open Crit series is a monthly critique event where visual artists are invited to bring new and/or in-progress studio work for critical feedback and group discussion particular to each artist’s practice.

A dedicated facilitator with experience in a group critique setting will guide discussion for each critique event, which will include up to 4 artists’ work, with 15-25 minutes devoted to the work of each.

All visual artists and anyone interested in joining the discussion are welcome to participate regardless of their level of expertise, prior professional art experience or background/education in fine art. Participation is free and open to the public. Input during the critiques from everyone in attendance is welcomed and encouraged.

No formal preparation is necessary for participating artists, who will have an opportunity to introduce and contextualize their work on view at the beginning of each critique. Participating artists are only asked to be open to (and interested in) considering reactions to their work by the group, which will always be done in a supportive, constructive and casual environment, but could at the same time be challenging.

Special thanks to Art Center for donating a $25 gift certificate for each participating artist.

To participate, artists can sign up here:


Contact Mary Jo at with any questions! 

Artists are asked to bring no more than 8 individual pieces (in any medium). Maximum run time for time-based work(s) is 10 minutes.

Participating artists are encouraged to invite friends, peers and colleagues to the open crits, both to see their work in progress and to give constructive feedback.



Open Crit

Crosstown Arts’ Open Crit series is a monthly critique event where visual artists are invited to bring new and/or in-progress studio work for critical feedback and group discussion particular to each artist’s practice.

A dedicated facilitator with experience in a group critique setting will guide discussion for each critique event, which will include up to 4 artists’ work, with 15-25 minutes devoted to the work of each.

Facilitator: Melissa Farris
Presenting Artists: Nick Pena, Alex Paulus, Lance Layman

All visual artists and anyone interested in joining the discussion are welcome to participate regardless of their level of expertise, prior professional art experience or background/education in fine art. Participation is free and open to the public. Input during the critiques from everyone in attendance is welcomed and encouraged.

No formal preparation is necessary for participating artists, who will have an opportunity to introduce and contextualize their work on view at the beginning of each critique. Participating artists are only asked to be open to (and interested in) considering reactions to their work by the group, which will always be done in a supportive, constructive and casual environment, but could at the same time be challenging.

Special thanks to Art Center Supply Store for donating a $25 gift certificate for each participating artist.

To participate, artists can sign up here:


Contact Mary Jo at with any questions! 

Artists are asked to bring no more than 8 individual pieces (in any medium). Maximum run time for time-based work(s) is 10 minutes.

Participating artists are encouraged to invite friends, peers and colleagues to the open crits, both to see their work in progress and to give constructive feedback.