No Brag Pure Fact: The Art of Graceland Too


Opening Reception: Wednesday, September 23, 6 – 9 pm

In partnership with Gonerfest 12, Goner Records and Crosstown Arts present No Brag Pure Fact, an exhibition of artifacts and exclusive footage from Graceland Too. Included are some of Paul MacLeod’s own Elvis-inspired outsider artworks, notebooks he kept, and mounted photographs of visitors to his house, all courtesy of Friends of Graceland Too. Filmmakers Jeffrey Jensen and Geoffrey Shrewsbury have also contributed video footage of MacLeod and clips from their upcoming documentary, The Rise and Fall of Graceland Too.

At the reception, meet special guests and have the opportunity to purchase Graceland Too Memorabilia, a commemorative 45 RPM record and “Friends Of Graceland Too” t-shirts.

Special Thanks
The Friends of Graceland Too, Filmmakers Jeffrey Jensen and Geoffrey Shrewsbury (The Rise and Fall of Graceland Too), Marie Claire Underwood

Who was Paul MacLeod?

Elvis Presley fans tend to be an especially devoted lot, but Paul MacLeod possessed a zeal few could rival. Driven by his perverse affinity for The King, he turned his own Holly Springs, MS home into Graceland Too, an obsessive, candy-colored shrine dedicated to all things Elvis, where his ongoing mission was amassing all of the Presley ephemera he could get his hands on and documenting every mention of the star he could find via radio, television and film. In addition to being a dogged curator of kingly dreck, MacLeod was known as a bombastic personality with the eccentric habit of giving lengthy, frenetic tours of his home to anyone who stopped by, 24 hours a day.

Spectacle to some, sanctuary to others, Graceland Too was a wayward beacon that attracted Elvis fans from all over the world.

Paul MacLeod passed away in July of 2014, and over the past year, many have offered their time and resources in service of preserving what became his life’s work: sheltering strange treasures and welcoming fellow pilgrims on the road to Graceland (Too).

Anyway, Anyhow

A raw wild visual gumbo to accompany the sick sonic stew of Gonerfest, organized by Goner Records
Bruce Lee Webb
Featuring the artwork of Tim Kerr (Austin, TX), Bruce Webb (Waxahatchie, TX), John Henry Toney (Seale, AL), Butch Anthony (Seale, AL), Timmy Lampinen (Detroit, MI)

Tim moved to Austin in 1974 to attend The University of Texas at Austin and there he earned a degree in painting and photography. While in the art department, he studied under famed photographer Garry Winogrand and was awarded a Ford Foundation grant for his work.

Tim is also well-known for his slashing guitar work in seminal punk bands The Big Boys, Poison 13, Monkeywrench, Lord High Fixers and more.

His artwork combines social awareness with iconic figures
and searing images overlaid by inspirational quotes. He has been involved in many different scales, from murals to artwork on skateboards.

He recently exhibited in


Mr. Anthony has made up his own word, “intertwangleism,” a label he paints on a lot of his pieces, which he defined this way: “Inter, meaning to mix,” he said. “And twang, a distinct way of speaking. If I make up my own ‘ism,’ no one can say anything or tell me I’m doing it wrong.”

Butch’s art world contains sly reworkings of existing paintings, sculptures made of discarded metal and wood, and semi-apocryphal taxidermy all creating a unique voice that has charmed the art world from his native Alabama through New York City, London, and beyond.

Butch did a show in the Goner Store in 2004 which was a huge thrill for us. In the ten years since that show, Butch has become strangely sorta famous, but hasn’t changed a bit. A recent show at Yolo Gallery in Water Valley, MS was a sensation. We are thrilled to have him back.


Mr. John Henry Toney grew up in Sandfort, Alabama and farmed all his life. He used to drive a tractor around Seale and plow up folk’s garden patches for them. One day he plowed up a turnip with a human face on it… His art career was born. He’s 83 years old and draws everyday.


Bruce Lee is the co-conspirator and co- creator of Webb Gallery in downtown Waxahachie, Texas. He loves hobo lore and train car graffiti. He is a researcher and collector by nature and is currently working on “As Above So Below -Art of the Fraternal Lodge” with co-author Lynne Adele, which will be published by UT Press in 2015.

Bruce recently curated and participated in the “Akin” exhibit of outsider and self-taught artists at Crosstown Arts.


Timmy, well-known in Goner circles as the the Human Eye / Timmy’s Organism / Clone Defects singer and guitar mangler, is also a 2010 Kresge Grant Arts award winner. As Timmy’s music strives for wild departures and maximum impact via spaced-out sounds, his artwork spreads the color of consciousness and fredom with righteous abandon. His album covers are some of the trippiest of anyone working in the medium today.


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