The Crosstown Arts Weekly Film Series is an arthouse-style film series showcasing a diverse collection of independent, international, historically significant, artistic, experimental, cult, underground and documentary features. This week: AMERICAN POP (NARRATIVE, 1981)
The Crosstown Arts Weekly Film Series is an arthouse-style film series showcasing a diverse collection of independent, international, historically significant, artistic, experimental, cult, underground and documentary features. This week: SUBURBIA (NARRATIVE, 1984)
The Crosstown Arts Weekly Film Series is an arthouse-style film series showcasing a diverse collection of independent, international, historically significant, artistic, experimental, cult, underground and documentary features. This week: THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY (NARRATIVE, 1978)
The Crosstown Arts Weekly Film Series is an arthouse-style film series showcasing a diverse collection of independent, international, historically significant, artistic, experimental, cult, underground and documentary features. This week: STRANDED IN CANTON (DOCUMENTARY, 1974)
The Crosstown Arts Weekly Film Series is an arthouse-style film series showcasing a diverse collection of independent, international, historically significant, artistic, experimental, cult, underground and documentary features. This week: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE FABULOUS STAINS (NARRATIVE, 1982)
The Crosstown Arts Weekly Film Series is an arthouse-style film series showcasing a diverse collection of independent, international, historically significant, artistic, experimental, cult, underground and documentary features. This week: MEMPHIS BI-CENTENNIAL BOOGIE WITH BLUESHIFT ENSEMBLE (FOUND FOOTAGE, 2019)