Need information on how to submit a competitive residency application? Crosstown Arts Residency Manager Mary Jo Karimnia along with Danielle Tyler will answer your burning questions about what a residency is, where to find the right one for you, how to present your work and write a strong application. They will also discuss the specifics of applying for a residency at Crosstown Arts.
Need information on how to submit a competitive residency application? Crosstown Arts Residency Manager Mary Jo Karimnia will answer your burning questions about what a residency is, where to find the right one for you, and how to present your work and write a strong application.
Crosstown Arts summer session resident artists Lucy McKeon, Steve Bellin-Oka, Nick Peña, Pamela Allen, and Pete Hoffecker Mejía will present artist talks in the Pecha Kucha style.
The key to Pecha Kucha is the 20×20 format: all presenters show 20 slides for 20 seconds each, making each presentation concise and dynamic. If you’re wondering what “Pecha Kucha” means, it draws its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat.”
Crosstown Arts summer session resident artists Wi-Moto Nyoka, Stacy Kranitz, James Walker, and Valerie Houston will present artist talks in the Pecha Kucha style.
The key to Pecha Kucha is the 20×20 format: all presenters show 20 slides for 20 seconds each, making each presentation concise and dynamic. If you’re wondering what “Pecha Kucha” means, it draws its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat.”
Pecha Kucha Nights ….
Need information on how to submit a competitive residency application? Crosstown Arts Residency Manager Mary Jo Karimnia will answer your burning questions about what a residency is, where to find the right one for you, and how to present your work and write a strong application.
Open studio for Crosstown Arts’ artist-in-residence Ben Butler. The studio will be open to the public from 1 to 4 p.m., and Ben will give an artist talk at 2 p.m.