Current Resident

Victoria Newton Ford

Victoria Newton Ford is a poet, essayist, and filmmaker from Memphis, Tennessee. Her work explores fungibility, violence, specters, intimacy, and memory. She is interested in examining the various forms of captivity Black women endure and how predatory formations (policing, prisons, child protective services, etc.) govern Black women’s and children’s lives. 


Victoria is an inaugural 2024 Writing Freedom Fellow, a fellowship for system-impacted writers administered by Haymarket Books in partnership with the Mellon Foundation. Her writing appears in Scalawag, Literary Hub, Sojourners, Jai-Alai Magazine, and elsewhere. She has received fellowships and support from Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, TORCH Literary Arts, MacDowell, Vermont Studio Center, Tin House Summer Writers Workshop, The Hurston/Wright Writers Workshop, The Watering Hole, Lambda Literary, and the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. 


Victoria earned her BA in English with a concentration in creative writing from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently working on her first manuscript and documentary, which examine slavery as an ever-present haunting in the lives of Black mothers and their children.

Crosstown Arts
