About the Galleries

Exhibition spaces for Memphis-based and visiting artists.

Crosstown Arts Galleries, located at 1350 Concourse Ave., Suite 280, are programmed by Crosstown Arts in collaboration with guest curators, artists, and partner organizations. Two large gallery spaces — the East Gallery and West Gallery — show work by Memphis-based, national, and international artists practicing in all media.

Gallery Hours: Tuesday–Friday, 10 am – 8 pm; Saturday 10 am – 6 pm; Sunday noon– 6 pm

About the Galleries:
In order to better connect artists, the creative process, and contemporary works of art to the city of Memphis and beyond, Crosstown Arts houses 7,000 square feet of exhibition space. Essentially a two-gallery space with extensive space for local and non-local shows, the galleries host a yearly roster of ten exhibitions, including occasional joint exhibitions that take up both spaces at once, that are up for one month at a time.

Opening receptions are scheduled for the first week of each exhibition and often include artist(s) talks or lectures welcoming the public to the content of the show.

The galleries serve the unique dual purpose of bringing culturally relevant and timely contemporary art from around the world to Memphis and providing a premiere exhibition space for local Memphis artists.

About 430:
Crosstown Arts at 430 N. Cleveland is an exhibition and performance venue open to all artists, musicians and organizers to host their own arts-related events.

This 1,200-square-foot space is available for performances, short-term exhibitions, and other arts-based events. It provides opportunities for artists, musicians, performers and arts organizers to perform or show their own creative work or the work of others. The space is available by request based on calendar availability, for a fee of $70/night. We welcome local and visiting artists, and take no fees from cover charges or art sales. Crosstown Arts offers this space to be used exclusively for the exhibition, performance, or presentation/discussion of creative work.

430 Event Booking Request Form