The Crosstown Arts Film Series presents “The Films of Stan Brakhage” with an original live score by Cloudland Canyon at the Crosstown Theater on Thursday, March 6, at 7:00 pm.
Stan Brakhaage, a wildly prolific experimental filmmaker in American avant-garde cinema and one of cinema’s principle architects of cinematic modernism, made nearly 400 films and eight books of film criticism and theory between 1952-2003. Dozens of his films, including “Anticipation of the Night,” “Mothlight,” “Dog Star Man,” and “Scenes from Under Childhood” are acknowledged masterworks. The techniques he pioneered , most notably rapid editing, handheld camera, lens flares and physical manipulation of the filmstrip, came to define experimental cinema, but they were also absorbed by advertising, music videos, and Hollywood.
Challenging all taboos in his exploration of birth, sex, death, and the search for God,” he turned his camera on explicit lovemaking, childbirth, even autopsy. Many of his most famous works pursue the nature of vision itself and transcend the act of filming. His films seek to change the way we see. They encourage viewers to abandon traditional structure in favor of pure visual perception that is not reliant on naming what is seen. His goal was to create a more visceral visual experience. He believed that “a stream of visual consciousness could be nothing less than the pathway of the soul.” His films are shot in highly sensual colors and utilize minimal soundtracks.
Cloudland Canyon is an experimental rock/psychedelic rock band formed in 2002 by Kip Uhlhorn and Simon Wojan. Cloudland Canyon has released several critically acclaimed albums include Fin Eaves, Lie in Light, and An Arabesque. Their recent releases have been produced by Sonic Boom from Spacemen3/Spectrum. With each release, Uhlhorn has pushed the envelope of experimental pop music, collaborating with various musicians and producers to create intricate and other wordly compositions .Cloudland Canyon is a must-listen for anyone interested in the possibilities of experimental music in the 21 century. New members joining Uhlhorn in the band include Corbin Linebarier of General Labor, Graham Burks of Loose Opinions, and Alex Greene of Alex Greene and the Rolling Head Orchestra.