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I Am Who I Say, and I Say Who I Am

Rhodes McCoy Theater 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN, United States

Taught by professional playwright, actress, and University of Memphis MFA candidate in theatre Jazmin Miller, the Rhodes course entitled "Children's Theatre" accomplished many specific goals in addition to what its title suggests, which was serving the 6th-8th grade of Humes Preparatory Academy in an after-school workshop hosted by story booth at Crosstown Arts. For this workshop, […]

The Way I See It

Rhodes McCoy Theater 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN, United States

Middle school students from the story booth after-school workshop will perform an original play about bullying. The students, who range in age from 11 to 14 years and attend Humes Preparatory Academy, devised the script themselves. In the play, the bullying incident is explained from the perspectives of parents, faculty, and kids.