Pecha Kucha

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Pecha Kucha: Resident Artist Talk

Crosstown Arts, East Atrium 1350 Concourse Ave., Suite 280, Memphis, TN, United States

Crosstown Arts summer session resident artists Wi-Moto Nyoka, Stacy Kranitz, James Walker, and Valerie Houston will present artist talks in the Pecha Kucha style. The key to Pecha Kucha is the 20×20 format: all presenters show 20 slides for 20 seconds each, making each presentation concise and dynamic. If you’re wondering what “Pecha Kucha” means, […]

Pecha Kucha: Resident Artist Talk

Crosstown Arts, East Atrium 1350 Concourse Ave., Suite 280, Memphis, TN, United States

Crosstown Arts summer session resident artists Lucy McKeon, Steve Bellin-Oka, Nick Peña, Pamela Allen, and Pete Hoffecker Mejía will present artist talks in the Pecha Kucha style.

The key to Pecha Kucha is the 20×20 format: all presenters show 20 slides for 20 seconds each, making each presentation concise and dynamic. If you’re wondering what “Pecha Kucha” means, it draws its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat.”

Pecha Kucha: Resident Artist Talk

Crosstown Arts, East Atrium 1350 Concourse Ave., Suite 280, Memphis, TN, United States

Crosstown Arts summer session resident artists Tad Lauritzen Wright, Eden Wiseman, Ori Dvir, and Joey Slaughter will present artist talks in the Pecha Kucha style.